Basic B Nails

Sunday, March 7, 2021

I am not a basic B but wanted low maintenance nails. These nails lasted me a week, realized I do a lot of 🧹 around the house. Whatcha think?

Feeling Purple💜

Sunday, January 10, 2021

With this whole virus thing still pretty active, I’ve been laying low. I pick and chose wisely where to go, i just don’t want to get covid pass it on to my mom or anyone else. Safety, safety, safety. Going to try to consistently keep my nails polished to feel some type of normacy in […]

Purple Pink Nails

Monday, July 13, 2020

I know how bored am I just to post a picture of my nail polish. Proud I painted them myself and saved money. Next up, pretty nail designs. So stereotypical!