Clubbing at LAX Nightclub
By Amanda, Monday, November 8, 2010
Ever since last year when I stayed at the Luxor for the SEMA show I’ve been wanting to go clubbing at LAX. Thanksfully, the genius’s at Falken Tires and Promotion Distribution held their annual SEMA party at LAX Nightclub this year! Yay!!!!! And, as always the party proved to be chill and fun. Their party is what I always look forward to going to every year. Best party ever. Free drink tickets, free entry, cool people, great venue and cool swag giveaway at the end of the night.

amanda and ray,
Amanda Drifts,
Amanda Lam,
amanda lam falken promotion party 2010,
falken promo party,
falken promotion distribution party,
falken promotion party 2010,
falken promotion sema party,
falken sema party,
las vegas lax nightclub,
las vegas nevada,
lax las vegas,
lax luxor nightclub,
lax nighclub,
lax night,
lax nightclub at the luxor,
luxor hotel lax,
luxor las vegas nevada,
promotion distribution sema party,
Ray Diaz,
ray diaz falken promo party 2010,
Ray Diaz the Nismo Shop,
sema 2010,
swayray and amandadrifts