Daisy & Cookie…

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Expensive Dog Food

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

As an animal lover you try to get the best food for your dog, even if it’s natural & expensive. The dogs better love me!

Spoiled BRATS!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The dogs are some spoiled brats… look what I got them. *Smiles bu sigh.. there goes more money spent, but its all for unconditional stress free love*

Suicidal Dogs

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I guess they wanted to see me move stuff out of my car & bring it inside. Suidal dogs…

Spoiled Dogs

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yep, I am transitioning the dogs into eating organic dog food. Funny thing is they still love Chef Michaels! Trying to get them healthy & natural food and they still like unorganic food.

Daisy & Cookie Kung Fu

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

J/K no kung fu just play fighting. Pic 1.) Cookie likes to hog toys, Daisy likes to bite & take the toys back… in this case eating an empty begging strips ice cream box! LOL! Pic 2.) I think they got really cold after this they moved upstairs but before this happened Daisy had to […]

Silly Dog

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cookie is such a clutz. He’s playing w/Lola (His real sister) & Daisy (His adopted sister). They were running around playing & as he looks back at the girls & boom he runs into a parked car.  These pictures are from a year in a half ago at the Greddy Fest held at El Toro […]

PV get-a-way Part. 2

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today is the last day that I am going to be staying in PV. I have to get back to reality, well back to my Mom’s, El Money, and continue to look for a job and work on my application to become psych major. Oh, I finally got my FREE sample from Rachel Ray’s new […]